Here's your chance to learn from The Expert to get the real Life Extension technologies you seek.
You will learn how to slow your metabolism to dramatically decrease your rate of aging. You will also
benefit from Dr. Ikeler's 30 years of practical experience in applying these techniques to his own life and
seeing the incredible results he has achieved. You get these medically-proven technologies for the price
of a dinner for two!
Aging is a fact of life, but Dr. Ikeler shows you how we have a tremendous amount of control over our rate
of aging and health. You'll also learn the secrets of dieting success. Your neurophysiology does the rest. The human life span potential is calculated to be 150 years. Jeanne Calment of France lived to be 122 years old and Thomas Parr of England is recorded in Westminster Abbey to have lived to 152. You can learn how to plan your life to live well beyond one hundred and perhaps, even decades longer than that.
DR. DOUGLAS E. IKELER is a veterinarian and physician who began his college education at Cornell University. There he first learned about life extension technologies from the work done by Dr. Clive McCay. After his education at Cornell, Dr. Ikeler went to work for the Department of Surgery at UCLA and furthered
his knowledge of life extension techniques from the work done there by Dr. Roy Walford.
Dr. Ikeler moved to Denver Colorado in 1985 and practiced
veterinary medicine for twenty two years. His five hospital group allowed him many opportunities for specialization and public speaking. He spoke internationally on veterinary medicine and practice management and travelled to more than thirty countries around the world.
Dr. Ikeler is currently publishing books and doing research on bariatric medicine and the neurological diseases which cause multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia. He lives in Denver still and travels frequently to New Hampshire where he owns his boyhood home which has been in his family for
one hundred and fifty years. He enjoys time with his children and continues to travel, encouraging people around the globe to explore their human lifespan potential.
also worked with the team at UCLA that developed monoclonal antibody therapies that are used to target specifically identified tumor
and cancer cell types and eliminate them. During his work at UCLA he was offered a PhD program in immunology as his work on the
Major Histocompatibility Complex gave him a unique position to understand the workings of human leukocyte antigens and their critical role
in kidney and other organ type transplants. Dr.Ikeler also did his medical school clinical rotations at the prestigious Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical
Center in Denver, Colorado, and was able to share his insightful perspective on medicine with fellow physicians whom he worked with there.