You want to live longer and healthier! This book is The Guide for you to accomplish that goal. You're going to enjoy every page as Dr. Ikeler takes you through his journey of learning about and applying these technologies to his own life so you can receive the most exciting insights and secrets about living dramatically longer. It's all in this book and you'll discover there is nothing more rewarding than living at ideal weight and health. You'll look and feel your best and you'll avoid the diseases of aging .

     Be expertly guided on what has been scientifically proven to be the Only Method currently known to extend life in all species. This scientific knowledge comes from the medical community at Cornell University and U.C.L.A. You'll appreciate the information you'll receive that makes you a Life Extensionist and you will value this book so much it will become a Bible for Life in guiding you on how to optimize your health and live your longest.    
     You hold in your hands a piece of profound knowledge. The centuries-long search for the fountain of youth has been discovered by modern science. By applying the dietary techniques described in these pages, you can add decades of health and longevity to your life. Life extension, by caloric restriction with optimal nutrition, is a scientific fact and is the only known method for dramatically extending life.

     Arriving in the new millennium, I would have expected higher standards of healthfulness in our american population. Shockingly, the exact opposite is currently true. Seventy percent, almost three out of four people, in the United States are overweight. Thirty percent, almost one out of three, is obese. Childhood obesity is dramatically on the rise too. It was almost nonexistent forty years ago. With weight increase has come the associated diseases of diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, arthritis, kidney failure, and blindness. These  conditions were rare a hundred years ago, but they are iincreasingly common today.
     Our annual expenditure on medical care in America is over two trillion dollars per year. That is enough money to send manned expeditions to mars every three months. What an age of discovery we would enjoy if space exploration interested us more than eating. Medical science has progressed, but it's operational mode of pills and surgery has not slowed our general state of disease. New knowledge and it's implementation has to be created in our institutions. Today children are taught how to eat by commercials and the fast food industry. It is time for champions of truth to take the lead and usher in the age of healthiness we all should enjoy.      This book is designed to be a How-To-Do-It style book and it shows you how to use easily available foods from any grocery store to design a dietary plan that will greatly extend your life and keep you free from disease. I have not burdened the chapters with recipes or cookbook suggestions. If you like to cook, simply follow a low-fat, low-calorie style of meal preparation, keeping track of the calories in the food you make. I have practiced these methods on myself now for thirty years and have had the wonderful opportunity to see dramatic results. People my age look like they are my grandparents, with full heads of grey hair, or no hair at all, wrinkled skin, big bellies, and obvious signs of disease. I look like I am in my mid-thirties and people find it hard to believe that this year I will be fifty. Many of the changes of aging are reversible, so at whatever age you are reading this book, you can receive the benefits of my methods and enjoy an incredibly longer and healthier life.

My best wishes go out to you.

Read a brief excerpt of "Life Extension" here.

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